Chiller Soğutma Sistemleri

In our country and in the world, in order to make the increasing production costs in plastic injection or extruder systems controllable and to maintain our competitiveness in the national and international market, the equipment used must be calculated with the right engineering and synchronized with each other under the right conditions. It is of great importance that the molds used in plastic injection and extruder systems are designed very well and the flow rate and temperature of the process water are kept under control in order to ensure that the part to be produced is in proper form. Producing with the right equipment in a competitive market increases productivity and reduces costs.

Cooling in injection molding machines takes place in two main parts: cooling of the molds and cooling of the hydraulic motor oil, whereas in extruders it is the cooling of the pool.

Cooling of Molds:

In order to ensure proper cooling, the properties of the molded material, the shape of the part, the structure of the mold and the amount of heat to be transferred must be known. In water cooling, the cooling water channels should not be too close to the mold surface, otherwise temperature changes may cause thermal shocks on the mold surface. Water channels should not be too far away from the mold surface because in this case heat transfer cannot be achieved sufficiently. Water should circulate in the channels to transfer the most heat and the water flow rate should be sufficient to keep the mold at the specified temperature. With the assurance of T-MAX, industrial cooling systems have been successfully sold for 25 years to provide the desired flow rate and temperature. T-MAX chiller groups are produced with various options and are manufactured in the manufacturer company in Italy.

Cooling of Hydraulic Oil:

It should be known that chemical reactions start to occur in hydraulic oils above the operating temperature of 70°C and the properties of the oil change. For this reason, it is recommended that the hydraulic oil in injection molding machines should not exceed 58 °C even under the highest temperature weather conditions. Excessive cooling of the hydraulic oil also negatively affects production. For stable and efficient production, it is important to keep the machine hydraulic oil temperature constant at optimum temperatures. Energy efficiency must also be taken into account during this process. T-MAX Free cooling systems or equipment are designed to minimize energy costs in oil cooling applications. These systems, which provide up to 90% energy savings, are equipped with German-made fans and fan speed control units. These systems, which have stainless steel or aluminum body structure, provide optimum performance and energy efficiency in industrial applications.